Saturday, February 20, 2010

This is funny


I'm curious:
  1. How can someone pursue a doctorate degree at USM without any knowledge of English or BM?
  2. What language is USM using as its teaching medium?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Ang "Pow"

Well, it's CNY time and all the kids are busy collecting Ang Pows. Since I'm not married yet, I'm no exception to this so I'm still *ahem* accepting Ang Pows.

But this morning, I received an Ang Pow from Catherine, one that I never expected or hoped to receive.

Click here to see a yecchy picture of my eye.

We were having stroke correction this morning and Catherine literraly head-butted me in the face! Ouch. It felt like being hit with a brick.

See? I've always known that she didn't like me. But it was an accident and nothing more.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

PST yoga session

I know that this post is a few months overdue, but I've decided to post it anyway.

On 24th November 2009, PST was fortunate to have Ms. Serine Goay to come over to PISA and give the PST swimmers a free Yoga session.

This was prior to our departure for the National Inter-Club. A necessary break from our usual training routine was needed in my opinion, and even more necessary as the kids were becoming as stiff as planks. Ok, let's begin ...

Started off with a simple pose, something like the "horse-riding stance" you'd usually see in martial arts movies.

Things start getting complicated from here on. Everyone, start praying!


The "human-slinky" pose.

The "dog-trying-to-pee" pose.

Notice how Gavin seems to be doing things a little differently than the others?

The "swordsman" pose.

I believe I can fly ...

And stretchhhh. Now, Gavin seems to getting the hang of things.

Gavin again, in the process of destroying his mat.

Ye Xang placing his hands strategically trying to block his face.

Another "dog-trying-to-pee" pose.

Again, the same pose but from a more dignified angle.

The guys seem to be doing this pose somewhat more naturally.

Ai Lene: "Sir, don't you DARE take a picture!"
Me: *click*

 Saturday night fever with the "star" in the middle.

Gavin was actually praised for doing this pose better than anyone else. Wow.

Doing the splits, sort of.

And of course, not forgetting Melissa, who managed the best streamline compared to anyone else.

Though you can't hear Catherine's screams just by looking at this picture, her agony is evident in the way she's crumpling her mat.

Next came the turn of our über-ticklish Captain.

Next came Gavin's turn. Poor Ms. Serine; it wasn't easy to bend a log.

Well, that's all for now. One thing I admire about the kids in PST is their sense of teamwork, camaraderie and good sportsmanship. Good job, guys.

Thanks again to Ms. Serine Goay for conducting the Yoga session. Hopefully, we can have her come back to conduct another session with us soon.

It's hot

Phew, you can even feel the heat just by looking at this picture!

My house feels like an oven. The cushions feel like they've been sat on by someone for a long time. (Ok, I think you get the picture.) In short, it's hot.

That's how CNY weather usually is. But this year, it feels unusually hotter. Maybe even hot enough to fry an egg in my computer.

Don't try this at home. Not my computer by the way.

I hope the weather cools down soon.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sorry, or not


I've come to realize that kids don't say sorry anymore when they screw up. I'm not sure if they're unable to, unwilling to, or simply don't know how to.

Take for instance the behaviour of one of my swimmers a few days ago. Now, this swimmer knows she's screwed up. But instead of saying sorry or offering an explanation, she simply bit her lip and pretended that she did nothing wrong.

I know that saying "sorry" can sometimes be a hard thing to do. As a grown-up (or at least that's what I like to think of myself), I don't have any problems saying sorry when I screw up (and yeah, I screw up a lot). To me, saying sorry is a way of acknowledging fault and accepting responsibility.

So why aren't kids nowadays being taught this?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year 2010

Graphics by sarahfe.

May the tiger bring prosperity, happiness, good health and success to all!

Friday, February 12, 2010


The PASA and MSSPP 2010 meets have finally concluded. Now, my swimmers and I can breathe a sigh of relief and take a much-needed break. Now, my swimmers and I have to prepare for the National Age Group in March.

During the PASA 2010, PISA Swimming Team won 18 Gold, 30 Silver and 33 Bronze medals. In addition to this, two swimmers from PST also broke two Meet Records each. This is a huge improvement compared to our tally of 3 Gold, 9 Silver and 5 Bronze medals in PASA 2009.

Syabas and congrats to all the swimmers of PST!

PST swimmers in their new attire during PASA 2010.

As for MSSPP 2010, I'm not sure what our swimmers' achievements are since I don't have the official results. But I'm sure PST swimmers did make waves and claimed their share of medals.

I hope PST swimmers can continue to make similar successful achievements during the coming National Age Group meet in March.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Back @ blogging

After a one-month hiatus, I'm back at blogging.

I stopped blogging when I realized how slow my blog was loading. Not only did that turn people off, but it turned me off too. The problem was because of the template. So from now on, I'm sticking to the default templates (or until I find something workable). So, I've decided to swap templates for a cleaner, faster loading one.

The start of this year has been a rather very stressful but productive for me, especially with the PASA and MSSPP meets in such close proximity, but you'll read more about that later.

But I have a lot of things to be grateful for, and I hope that I won't repeat the mistakes I made in previous years.

Stay tuned for updates.