Sunday, December 12, 2010

Swimming Australia

Today is my 14th day in Perth. So far, I've learned a lot of new things, seen many different styles of coaching and had the privilege of working with accomplished coaches such as Greg Hodges, Bernie Mulroy, Matt Magee, Ian Mills and Gary Shaw.

My two weeks here have shown me a new point of view in coaching methodology and how to plan and structure workouts. What I've seen has also answered a lot of "how to" questions that I've had.

Though the coaching science may be the same, what's particularly new to me is the interaction and communication with the swimmers as well as the management of the swimmers, some of whom are world-class swimmers. Giants in their field, in other words.

Here are some pics taken during my first two weeks:

The Western Australia Institute of Sport (WAIS) building at Challenge Stadium in Mount Claremont, Perth.

The 50-meter pool at Beatty Park Leisure Center in the town of Vincent at West Perth. A 25-meter pool is in the background and there is another 25-meter pool indoors. The pools here are heated at 26 to 31 degrees Celsius.

The indoor pools at Challenge Stadium. Though the indoor stadium itself is air-conditioned, the pools are heated.

Coach Matt Magee demonstrating stroke technique during a workout session at Challenge Stadium. Note the large flat screen TV behind. Underwater cameras capture the swimmers' strokes and the video is projected on the TV screen.

That's me, all wrapped up during a workout session at Beatty Park.

Workout sessions usually start at 5:30 AM. The temperature in the above picture shows 18.3 degrees Celcius. This is a good day. On some mornings, the temperature can drop to 16 degrees Celcius.

Taking photos at swimming pools are not permitted here, so it's quite difficult to post any photos of the workouts or swimmers. But more to come soon ...


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